Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pool side

Like every summer, we are enjoying our time by the pool. It hasn't been near as much this year because of Carter, but we are still having a great time. I decided to teach Macey how to dive. I can dive myself, but have no idea how to teach a child. Being that she has no fear she seemed to catch on right away. She goes in head first, but now we just need to get her legs to come up in the air. But this was just after about 5 minutes.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Can't decide

Okay, so it's been a couple of months since my last post; I was thinking about giving up on the blog and just post pics to facebook, but I can't decide. I started feeling like I should keep the blog going. I would love to get a response if you are still looking at our blog. If so, I will continue with it.
We are so busy with 2 kids now...Macey finished Kindergarten and starts summer camp Monday. She will be very busy with field trips all the time. I am thankful because I would not be able to do as much with her this year because of Carter. She also started gymnastics which she will do thru the summer, and then back to soccer in the fall. Speaking of Carter he is getting a little more laid back...sleeps thru the night (praise the Lord)...doesn't sleep at all during the day...the doc told me at his 4 month checkup that he should be taking 2 good naps a day (I just laughed and told him that would be great)...I guess he just wants to be up when he's at home...he does good when we are out and about, but this is causing us to go broke..(several trips to Target a week).
I am at work right now, but will try and post pics soon.
We leave for GA on Thursday for my cousin Ashley's wedding and a family reunion..we are so excited to see everyone!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Pictures

Carter is now 6 weeks old. His reflux is better under control, but he is still a very fussy baby. I get pretty much nothing done during the day because he crys for most of it and I just end up holding him. I am praying this get better very soon! Macey started soccer season last Saturday and played great. She also had open house at her school; it was great to see all the work they've done throughout the year. They write in a daily journal, and I'm amazed at her writing, and sentences, and even the stuff she writes about, some of it was made up, it was entertaining. We are so proud of her!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Pictures

I'm finally posting a few more pictures...most were taken a week or 2 ago, and Carter has already changed so much. He's is finally starting to fatten up. At his 1 month visit, he weighed 8 lb 4 oz's, which is almost a 2 lb gain in 2 weeks. We are still in that VERY difficult time of not sleeping at night. I have high hopes that within 2 weeks he will start having a 5 hour stretch of sleep at a time. I don't think that's asking too much. Macey is still a very pround big sister, always wanting to help.
There are also some snow pics that I took of Macey a couple weeks ago when we got 8 inches. It didn't come down until during the day, so the kids were already in school, but they did get the next day off.